Academic enrichment strategies
Vanasthali Public School Mayur Vihar Phase-3
Located in an area where the students come from those families where parents trust completely on the institution for the overall growth of the child. This trust of the parents has strengthed in all these years depending on the academic excellence of the institution and positive feedback of the people associated with it. The school strives to come up to the expectations of the stake holders.
As far as the academic growth of the school is concerned, we have deputed HOD's to monitor the curricular and extracurricular activities of the students. Regular monitoring and feedback from the HOD's is a part of our meeting sessions, which is fort-nightly conducted grade wise i.e. primary, Secondary and senior secondary under the supervision of the School Head.
After conceptualizing the strategies for learning, the teachers are made a part of the new methodologies to impart the knowledge in their classrooms. This prepares them to make the teaching-learning process more effective & purposeful.

This also enables the teachers more responsible to achieve the set target.
• Innovativeness in teaching learning process is another key feature of our academic system.
•The workshops are conducted not only with the help of resource person from outside to enhance various skills of the children, but the subject wise workshops in the school within departments are organized regularly under the supervision of head of the departments, incharges and almost all the workshops are monitored by the principal. The regular training of the teachers initited by CBSE is also ensured.
• The teachers are grouped subject wise and the teachers selected as resource person, discuss and interact with various skills and strategies’ to make their subject more innovative and receptive for the students. This gives an opportunity to club the subject teachers together to plan their lessons anddeliver them in the classes leaving little space for anomalies and this leads to common strategies to be followed in all the subjects by all the subject teachers to plan their lessons.
•A practice of distributed leadership is followed so that we come to know about the various skills and expertise of the teachers which can be beneficial for the growth of the school.