Vanasthali Public School mayur vihar phase-3
Disciplinary Rules to be followed by the Students
- The School reserves the right to dismiss students whose conduct is harmful to other children. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority and willful damage to School property will lead to the immediate dismissal.
- A student who uses unfair means and receives or gives assistance in any form during Tests/Exams will not be assessed in those Tests/Exams and awarded no marks at all.
- Genuine respect towards teachers as well as all elderly personal is important value woven in the student.
- Every student is responsible for the safe-keeping of his own belongings. The School does not accept any responsibility for their loss. The students are not allowed to bring valuable articles like watches, ornamentsetc to School.
- All students must be on time for classes.
- Students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity. They shall be courteous to their elders and kind and cooperative with their fellow students.
- Students are expected to greet the staff with respect.
Don’ts :- :-
- Do not use abusive language.
- Do not get involved in physical fights and bullying
- Do not damage school property.
- Do not bring any gadgets like mobile, I pods, tablets or any other item mentioned in ‘LIST OF PROHIBITED ITEMS’ to school.
- Such items will be confiscated, not to be given back.
- Do not shout and disturb the class room at any point of time and in the premises. .
- No one is allowed to consume toxic drinks, smoke or use tobacco or any such intoxicant product.
General Instructions for Teachers to be followed
- The teachers are exepected to give instructions to the students only in English.
- Reach your class on time.
- Follow the dress code and wear your I-Card daily.
- Maintain the record of all the students allotted to you, properly and timely.
- Be courteous enough while communicating with colleagues and the parents.
- Use positive reinforcement for students.
- Abide by the instructions as laid in Code of conduct and as briefed time and again for the smooth running of the school.
Don’ts:- :-
- The teachers are expected not to give Corporal Punishment in any form to the students of any class.
- Refrain from punishing any child physically, humiliating or using harsh words or torturing mentally
- Please don’t use chair frequently as it indicates passive teaching and results in ineffectiveness of Teaching-Learning process.
- Do not use mobile phones during class hours.
- Do not discriminate the students on the basis of caste, creed, colour, religion, gender, language etc.